Healthcare IT Support & Cybersecurity

Protect Your Healthcare Organization’s Critical Electronic Information and Assets from Ransomware and Malware Attacks

Healthcare organizations are a valuable target for cybercriminals. While connected medical devices and electronic protected health information (ePHI) make operations more efficient, they also make data highly accessible.

Healthcare establishments need a robust cybersecurity solution that delivers unified threat prevention to critical assets and data while taking the burden of protection off their workers so they can focus on providing quality care to patients.

Self-assess your HIPAA compliance below.

The following are identified by HHS OCR as elements of an effective compliance program.

The TVG Health Tech Solution

Our 4-Pillar Cyber Protection Program can help healthcare organizations reduce the risk of security threats and support their compliance requirements.

Managed Networks

Managed Endpoints

Managed Risks and Compliance

Managed Disaster Recovery

Making Technology-Driven Healthcare Secure and Efficient

Find out where your network vulnerabilities are and how we can help you bridge your IT gap with customized IT recommendations and cybersecurity controls.

What TVG Consulting Can Do for You

When healthcare organizations partner with TVG Consulting for their managed IT security solutions, they can have peace of mind knowing that cyberattacks and patient data breaches won’t disrupt operations or impact data privacy.

Assess Your Risk

A critical first step in managing a healthcare organization’s cybersecurity, we’ll perform a risk assessment that will identify network and device vulnerabilities used to create and implement a cybersecurity strategy.

Monitor Continuously

From endpoint protection, and automated breach detection to dark web monitoring, we implement FBI-suggested cyber controls and monitor them 24/7 and take action if an attempt is made.

Prevent Downtime

Having a reliable backup and disaster recovery solution saves you the cost of ransoming your data back, and the lost revenue of downtime and data loss during a ransomware attack. We provide fully managed backup and disaster recovery services.

Safeguard Access

A strong cybersecurity foundation begins with protecting access to devices and data with credential management and privilege controls. We’ll help you identify, credential, and manage permissions for credentialed authorized users both internally and externally.

Maintain Risk & Compliance

We’ll help improve the cyberhealth of your IT infrastructure by identifying, monitoring, and managing third-party risk while prioritizing patient privacy and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and security of ePHIs.

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At the end of the day, you should be mindful of the eight major concerns when becoming HIPAA compliant.


Importance of protecting patient privacy

Ensuring patient information is kept confidential is a key aspect of providing quality care.


Legal obligation

HIPAA regulations are legally binding and non-compliance can result in financial penalties and reputational damage.


Reputation management

HIPAA compliance demonstrates a commitment to patient privacy and can enhance the practice's reputation.


Protecting against cyber-attacks

Adequate security measures are crucial in preventing data breaches and protecting sensitive patient information.


Streamlining operations

HIPAA compliance can help streamline processes, improve efficiency and reduce the risk of errors.


Staying current with changing regulations

HIPAA regulations are constantly evolving, it's important to stay informed and up-to-date.


Cost of non-compliance

The cost of HIPAA non-compliance can include financial penalties, legal fees, and damage to the practice's reputation.


Improving patient trust

HIPAA compliance demonstrates a commitment to patient privacy, which can improve patient trust and confidence in the practice.

Schedule Your FREE 30-minute HIPAA Compliance Assessment With our Team Today